Most questions are optional - we appreciate any feedback you can share! Contact First Name * Last Name * Email * Survey How did you hear about the Craft of Campaigns podcast? * How many episodes have you listened to? * 1-3 episodes 4-6 episodes 7-9 episodes 10+ episodes How are you using the podcast in your organizing? What’s a lesson you learned or a take-away you’ve gotten so far? * What has worked for you about the episodes you’ve listened to? i.e. format, length, guests, interview style, articles, etc. What is your MOST favorite episode that you’ve listened to? - None -S2 E1: Karina Mireya and Benji Hart on #NoCopAcademy: A Campaign Against Chicago’s ‘Cop City’S2 E2: Stephen Lerner on Justice for Janitors: A comeback story that continues todayS2 E3: Devan Spear on forcing universities to pay their fair shareS2 E4: Byron Hobbs and Jonathan Hogstad on taking on the corporations funding voter suppression in MichiganS2 E5: Nico Amador on fighting transgender discrimination on public transit and pivoting gracefully when the campaign got stuckS2 E6: Ingrid Lakey on taking on a bank funding mountaintop removal What is your LEAST favorite episode that you’ve listened to? - None -S2 E1: Karina Mireya and Benji Hart on #NoCopAcademy: A Campaign Against Chicago’s ‘Cop City’S2 E2: Stephen Lerner on Justice for Janitors: A comeback story that continues todayS2 E3: Devan Spear on forcing universities to pay their fair shareS2 E4: Byron Hobbs and Jonathan Hogstad on taking on the corporations funding voter suppression in MichiganS2 E5: Nico Amador on fighting transgender discrimination on public transit and pivoting gracefully when the campaign got stuckS2 E6: Ingrid Lakey on taking on a bank funding mountaintop removal What do you want to hear more of in future seasons? What would you change about the episodes? Are there campaigns you’d like us to feature or principles you’d like us to cover in future seasons? What other podcasts do you listen to for insights about organizing or campaigning? What additional campaign resources would be helpful? Public workshops Custom workshops/strategy sessions for my group Campaign strategy coaching for me and my group Peer learning spaces Handouts, manuals, and tools Can we quote you in podcast communications? * Sure! Maybe, please ask me first No Anything else you'd like to share? Submit